The Honourable Justice Tonia Barnett yesterday commenced her campaign for the position of Commissioner of the Africa Human Rights Commission among Representatives or Ambassadors of the African Union member countries in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Justice Tonia Barnett, who only arrived in Addis Ababa very late on Monday night, was at the Sierra Leone Embassy in Addis Ababa to familiarize herself with the Diplomatic Staff of the Embassy and to personally explain to them the reason for her visit to Ethiopia.
In welcoming Justice Barnett to the Embassy on behalf of the Ambassador AdeKunle King who is out of the Ethiopian jurisdiction and on behalf of other Diplomatic Staff, the Head of Chancery and Charge d’Affairs, Mr. Franklyn Brima Fawundu after a warm reception encouraged the learned female Justice of the Appeal Court of Sierra Leone to feel at home and be assured her of the fullest support of the Embassy in all her engagements bordering on her campaign among the Diplomats of the African Union member States in Addis Ababa.
The Head of Chancery and Charge d’Affairs during his welcome statement informed Justice Tonia Barnett that although the African Union Commission (AUC) elections through which she is aspiring for the position of Commissioner of Human Rights bars aggressive campaigning on behalf of candidates, he however stated that as an a Mission, they have since quietly mounted effective campaigning on behalf of Madam Barnett within the African Union Diplomatic circle in Addis Ababa. “We have also put together an effective strategy which we have the pleasure to share with you and which we believe would enhance you further in addressing Diplomats or Ambassadors of the various Countries you would be opportune to meet and discuss with”, Mr. Franklyn Brima Fawundu noted.
In her response, Justice Tonia Barnett expressed delight for being at the Embassy and for meeting with her compatriots. She explained that during her visit to the Federal Republic of Nigeria three weeks ago, she got a very good reception and support from the Embassy. She expressed optimism that she would have or enjoy even more from the Embassy in Addis Ababa because of her strong personal relationships with some of the members of the Embassy in Addis Ababa.
Justice Barnett used the occasion to officially inform the Diplomatic Staff that she is in Addis Ababa as a Candidate for the position of Commissioner of the African Commission of Human and People’s Rights. She stated that, her candidature for the position has the blessing and fullest support of His Excellency the President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio and his government.
Justice Barnett praised President Julius Maada Bio for changing the ugly narrative in many areas since becoming the leader of the nation. One area she pointed out was the laudable move by the President to encourage and empower Sierra Leonean women to aspire to higher positions both within and outside the country.
She took the opportunity and went through her very rich resume or profile for the benefit of the Diplomatic Staff.
After the familiarization meeting at the Sierra Leone Embassy, the first port of call among other Embassies Justice Tonia is scheduled to visit was at the Federal Republic of Nigeria Embassy in Addis Ababa.
In arriving at the Nigerian Embassy, Justice Barnett who was accompanied by the Head of Chancery and Cherge d’Affairs, Mr Franklyn Brima Fawundu and First Secretaries Ms Saida Sururr and Mr. Numeh Sesay was warmly welcomed by the Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the African Union (AU) and to the United Nations Economic Commission in Africa (UNECA) Innocent A. Iwejuo.
After the introduction of Justice Barnett’s delegation to the Nigerian Embassy by Mr Franklyn Brima Fawundu, Her ladyship Madam Tonia Barnett thanked Ambassador, Innocent Iwejuo for the warm welcome. She informed the Senior Nigerian Diplomat that, she is a Candidate for the position of Commissioner of the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights in an election expected to take place at the margins of the African Union Summit not long from now. She also informed the keenly listening Nigerian Diplomat that, her Candidature has the fullest support of her President Dr Julius Maada Bio and his government. She underscored her rich experience and qualification as well as her sound moral integrity as Lawyer, Magistrate, High Court Judge and now Appeal Court Judge.
She explained that her desire to vie for the position of Commissioner of the African Human and People’s Right Commission was borne out of her vast experience in the area of human rights as a Judge who began as a Magistrate to her present status of Judge of the Appeal Court. As a teenager, I grew up seeing the past war raging in my country and I observed or witnessed the numerous and devastating human rights abuses especially women and children went through. I abhorred those human rights violations and as a Lawyer and later Magistrate and Judge at the High Court and Appeal Court, I have always reminded myself of those bitter memories and I have therefore always dispensed fair justice in favour of those whose rights were violated unfairly. Justice Tonia stated. In concluding her statement, Justice Bernett solicited the support of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and to vote her as the Commissioner of the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights.
In responding to the statement and request made by Madam Barnett, Ambassador Innocent Iwejuo explained that he had listened to her with utmost attention and that, he had observed that Her ladyship was vastly experienced and immensely qualified to be voted as a Commissioner. He explained that Sierra Leone and Nigeria had come a long way and has always nicely cooperated on various issues both at bilateral and multilateral levels. Ambassador Iwejuo expressed optimism that Justice Tonia Barnett will emerge victorious at the election.
After the very successful meeting at the Nigerian Embassy, Justice Bernett and her delegation proceeded to the Republic of South Sudan Embassy and were warmly received by the Ambassador James Pitia Morgan.
In briefing the top South Sudan Diplomat in Addis Ababa, Her ladyship Justice Tonia Bernett exactly reiterated her earlier statement and request which she made to the Nigerian Ambassador Innocent A. Iwejuo.
In responding to her statement, Ambassador James Pitia Morgan informed the Honourable Justice Tonia Barnett and her delegation that, South Sudan and Sierra Leone are friendly countries. He said that, South Sudan has always relied on the supports of ECOWAS countries such as Sierra Leone. As a country Ambassador Morgan noted, we have always found it easy to support our friends. I have received your very superb and interesting resume and I have forwarded it to the highest destination in my country. We will go to Chad by the grace of God and we will vote for our friends. Sierra Leone is our friend he concluded.
The meeting at the South Sudan Embassy climaxed today Tuesday September 7th visitation to Embassies by Justice Tonia Barnett. But more and more engagements with other Ambassadors are already scheduled for her in the next couple of days including tomorrow Wednesday September 8th 2021.
Meanwhile, the very palatable resume or profile of the young and dynamic female Justice Tonia Barnett is here by attached to this article.
Demba Kanji Daramy
Information Attaché
Sierra Leone Embassy
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.