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The Global Times is in no way trying to undermine the investigation that is currently underway, conducted by both NATCOM and the Sierra Leone Police, to determine whether Orange SL are deliberately trying to obstruct the course of justice by refusing to handover the call data for eighty subscribers believed to be linked to the violent insurrection that took place on 10th August, 2022.
Orange SL officials have claimed in a statement to Police investigators that their CDR (Call Data Register) developed some technical hitches since 4th August, 2022.
Police and NATCOM investigators are trying to establish whether the CDR was deliberately tampered with by some senior officials at Orange SL for self-serving reasons.
The question many people are asking is: Why is it that Orange SL have still not been able to either replace or fix their system?
NATCOM have the powers to impose fines on MNOs (Mobile Network Operators) for lack of systems availability. If the CDR at Orange SL is still not up and running, there must be a reason for that. Orange SL must come out and explain to the nation why their system (CDR) is no longer available.
We urge the Management of Orange SL to come clean and explain to the nation the reason for their system failure. The public have the right to know.
Orange SL must come clean.

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