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1 min read

The Malaysian Consulate in Sierra Leone has no known address. It is using the registered offices of the Guinea Bissau Consulate on the first floor of No. 6 Wilberforce Street in Freetown.
The two Consuls are in-laws. The Malaysian Consul in Sierra Leone is Khalil Lakiss of Karl Travel and the Consul for Guinea Bissau is Abass Khazem.
Diplomats were shocked this week to realise that the Guinea Bissau national flag had been hurriedly brought down from the building and replaced with the Malaysian national flag just to appease a visiting delegation from Malaysia.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation should investigate how every Jack and Jill in the Lebanese community is now a Consul in Sierra Leone, flying flags on their private vehicles. Even some well-known Lebanese crooks are now Consuls attending diplomatic functions in Freetown. What a sick joke!
Investigations continue.


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