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In a significant move to revive the struggling Kenema District Football Team Kamboi Eagles, the Chief Immigration Officer (CIO), Hon. Alusine Kanneh has donated SLL50 thousand to the club.
The donation followed a meeting where the interim executives, including Alie Ahmed Alie, Christian Elogema Vandi, and M. S. Barrie highlighted the club’s challenges such as poor structure and lack of accountability, which have driven away supporters and potential investors.
The executive called for an urgent stakeholders’ meeting to address the club’s issues, emphasising the need for financial support to cover salaries and operational costs.
They praised Hon. Kanneh for his consistent support to Kenema District and recognised contributions from others like Madam Tuma Jabbie Gento, the late Abdul Karim Koroma Esq., and some former players including Abdul Rahman Cole in the UK.
CIO Kanneh expressed disappointment over the team’s current state and stressed the importance of immediate action and accountability. He pledged to rally more support from prominent individuals in the district.
The donation and discussions signal a hopeful turnaround for Kamboi Eagles, aiming to restore its former glory as the giant of the east.
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