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โ€œThe heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the nightโ€.
Haj Fawaz of Fawaz Building Materials and Randlyn Holdings SL Limited did not achieve success through blackmail or smear campaign. He worked very hard to set up a chain of business that turns out to be a success story.
Haj Fawaz is a philanthropist, honest and honorable man. He does not blow his own trumpet. He does not talk about his philanthropic work across the country especially in the Southern Region of Bo, where he was born and grew up. His charitable work has helped made life better for many people.
Haj Fawaz employs well-over 2,000 Sierra Leoneans working for him in different business outlets and entities. He has enormous investments in property or estate development, building materials, hotel and tourism, agriculture, fisheries etc. He is a man for all seasons.
Recently, one of his boys who once referred to him as โ€œmy fatherโ€ tried to swindle him. Sahr Ngegba is a discredited businessman. He is running away from justice in Liberia and The Gambia.
When Haj Fawaz took steps to curtail his criminal activities, Sahr Ngegba embarked on a campaign of blackmail. He paid for unfounded, baseless and deceitful stories to be published against the man he always considers as his greatest benefactor and financier.
As a law-abiding citizen and an honorable man, Haj Fawaz refused to degenerate to the low life behavior of Sahr Ngegba. Sahr Ngegbaโ€™s criminal activities are now a matter for the Sierra Leone Fast Track Commercial Court. The court has issued some orders against him and his dubious companies. Those orders will soon be enforced.
Sahr Ngegba must be reminded that, you canโ€™t bring down a good man. Haj Fawaz is, undoubtedly a good, honest and honorable man. Sahr Ngegba does not need to be told that, you cannot bite the hands that feed you. Haj Fawaz was once Sahr Ngegbaโ€™s Godfather! But Sahr Ngegba has stabbed him in the back.

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